Our attack is working, so far. Charlie company executed a light feighnt on the northern section of the ship, whilst Fox has now attacked at full strength. Most of the Pfhor garrison has been diverted to stopping Charlie. I have placed a squad under your command. THis section of the ship is primarily used for what appears to be living quarters for the Pfhor, and possibly pens for some of the slaves.
I have teleported you here to make sure that Durandal cannot gain access to a vital section of the ship. There are a series of control switches that you will need to activate to block his access.
#checkpoint 3
This is where you are now. Study the map, so that you can do this quickly.
#checkpoint 2
Here is the first of three switches that you’ll need to activate.
#checkpoint 1
Here is the second switch.
#checkpoint 0
This is the last switch. Be warned that the Aliens have already entered this area.